At the heart of the OMP software suite, OMP Plantation (or OMP-AMIS) is an agricultural management information system that covers all important aspects relating to the agronomic performance of oil palm plantations. The growing need for agronomic databases and computerized analysis and management tools is a result of two separate trends in the recent development of the oil palm industry. On the one hand, enormous expansions in planted area have led to a shortage of experienced management and agronomy staff, and oil palm field managers are now regularly placed in charge of larger plantation areas and more worker staff than ever before. On the other hand, increased demand for vegetable oil combined with consumer pressure for ecologically sustainable production mean that managers are required to pursue yield intensification with a maximum input efficiency. Meeting these twin challenges and implementing precision agriculture and best management practices over large, commercially relevant areas is near impossible without powerful decision support software like OMP Plantation.
OMP Plantation consists of a core application named OMP-DBMS (OMP Database Management System) covering general agronomic parameters and supplemented by a selection of add-in programs focusing on specific topics and tasks. All OMP Plantation programs feature an intuitive and easy-to-use interface for data entry and data analysis, powered by an SQL Server database back-end. The system is completely scaleable from single-user local installations to full cloud-based multi-user configurations.
Data on a wide range of agronomic inputs, outputs and measurements can be input or imported into the database on a block-by-block basis. This data is then aggregated and presented in a variety of data analysis formats ranging from overview reports to give managers a quick overview of the plantation status to detailed data analysis and block history forms for yield gap and drill-down analysis. A key component of OMP Plantation is given by the powerful filtering features, which are crucial for yield gap analysis and allow agronomists and managers to isolate management units with appropriate uniformity and analyze the main yield limiting factors for each part of the estate. With global filters making it possible to filter even for hidden parameters not shown on a particular data analysis form, the OMP Plantation filtering features are unmatched by any other plantation agronomy software currently on the market.
OMP Plantation is built on inputs from experienced oil palm agronomists and plantation managers and has been continually refined over 20 years of use at leading oil palm plantations. This means that you can rely on receiving a tried-and-tested application whose usability and applicability in field conditions is guaranteed, as evidenced by the selection of customer testimonials displayed on this page. The high potential for increased yields and profits through the large-scale implementation of best management practices (BMP) has been well-documented by various trial and BMP projects in the past years. Combined with the low cost of the OMP software, you can expect a fast and high return on your investment.
OMP Plantation is usually integrated with OMP TYCB and/or OMP-Nursery. You can request a trial demo version here.
- Basic block information, estate layout, previous land use
- Block area, area in yield and HCV areas
- Planting materials, land capability classification and yield potential
- Planting history and replanting
- Climate and weather data
- Field upkeep standards, cover crops, pruning and canopy management, erosion management
- Vegetative growth measurements, leaf area index
- Leaf and soil nutrient analysis, block nutrient history, visual nutrient deficiency ratings
- Fertilizer programmes, application and recommendations, nutrient balance, crop residue application
- Monthly yield and production parameters
- Harvester performance, harvest labor usage and harvesting round lengths
- Pests and diseases, pest control
- Data analysis to identify principal drivers of yield, powerful filtering tools
- Standardized print reports and charts covering the various pieces of information mentioned above on estate, division or block level
- Data import and export features
OMP Field Survey
- Fully flexible tool for collecting and analyzing any kind of oil palm field data
- Customizable questions and survey types
- Support for scheduled or unscheduled surveys
- Automatic aggregation to block, field, division and estate level using average, sum or mode
- Maintain lists of predefined survey points including palm points (e.g. LSU palms), harvest paths and fruit collection points
- User-defined expressions for calculating derived quantities from raw data
- Easy updating of OMP block data using surveyed results
OMP Survey App
- Android app for smartphone- or tablet-based data collection
- All survey definitions including allowed scores fully customizable with OMP Field Survey
- Support for predefined or freely entered survey locations
- Built-in data verification
- Results and definitions transferred by email, no web server required
- Support for scanning QR palm labels
- GPS location recording integrated
OMP Harvest Round Recording

- Daily harvest data collection with automatic update of monthly data in OMP-DBMS
- Precision production reporting on daily, weekly, fortnightly, 4-weekly or monthly basis
- Progress reports with year-to-date values and comparisons with crop budgets and performance in reference years
- Automated calculation of harvest round lengths
- Powerful filtering tools for in-depth analysis
OMP Fertilizer Planner
- Rule-based system for calculating block-level nutrient requirements based on OMP block data
- Nutrient dose quantities can be defined absolutely or using formulae
- Powerful optimization routine automatically determines cheapest combination of fertilizers to meet the nutrient targets
- Support for straight and compound fertilizers
- Option of taking into account nutrient inputs from crop residues to reduce inorganic fertilizer costs
- Rule-based system for planning timing of application (monthly spread)
- Immature fertilization programme based on months after planting
- Support for reduction of fertilizer recommendations for blocks approaching replanting
- In-depth analysis of fertilizer recommendations and costs
- Support for multiple scenarios to easily analyze and compare the effect of different possible fertilization algorithms or approaches

- Thematic mapping application to display OMP data in map form
- Visualize complex data and uncover spatial correlations
- Support for .tab and .shp format base maps
- Selection of hundreds of different thematic maps from a simple map selector menu
- Multi-layer support, satellite image backgrounds
- Export multi-map layouts, export to Google Earth
- Point-level maps from geo-coded OMP Field Survey data
- Find more detailed information on OMP-GIS here
OMP Crop Loss Audit
- Survey of uncollected bunches and loose fruit by block and harvest path
- Calculation of percentage of losses compared to actual production
- Estimation of PKO and CPO losses
OMP Crop Forecast
- 4-month production forecast based on black bunch counts
- Extrapolation over whole estate based on black bunch counts in a selection of survey blocks
- Manager adjustments for monthly spread
- Forecast vs. crop budget vs. actual production comparison reports
- Mill capacity requirement forecast
OMP Crop Budget
- Historical block information and historical yield averages over blocks with similar characteristics to allow managers to produce informed and accurate annual crop budgets
- Budget production and yield forecasts, budget accuracy review
- Prediction of CPO and PKO yields
- Prediction of monthly milling and labor requirements based on expected monthly production spread
- Predict availability of crop residues
OMP Pesticide Manager
- Record active ingredient and pesticide product information
- Print fact sheets and warning labels
- Recording and reporting of pesticide/herbicide recommendations and application
- Toxicity index analysis, distinguish between preventive and corrective application
OMP Smallholder Information System
- Manage smallholder areas, store information on farmer addresses and cooperative groups
- Generate FFB pick-up schedule and record production
- Record and analyze results of smallholder surveys
- Store detailed background information on land certificates, leases, loans and repayment, farmer training and equipment
- Plan replanting of smallholder areas taking into account palms of different planting ages in the same block
OMP Database Maintenance Tool
- Maintain block structure of your OMP Plantation database
- Combine or split blocks and divisions
- Rename blocks or divisions
- Re-assign blocks to different divisions